The diagram below is the program written in Circus.
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The Circus Crossing Program |
\documentclass{article} % \usepackage{circus} % \begin{document} \begin{zsection} \SECTION\ CrossingPuzzle \parents\ circus\_toolkit \end{zsection} \begin{zed} DFR ::= F1 | F2 | F3 | R1 | R2 | R3 | Z \\ F == \{F1, F2, F3\} \\ R == \{R1, R2, R3\} \\ FR == F \cup R \\ \end{zed} \begin{circus} \circchannel\ move2: FR \cross FR \\ \circchannel\ move1: FR \\ \circchannel\ load: FR \\ \circchannel\ escape \\ \end{circus} \begin{circus} \circprocess\ Cross \circdef \circbegin \\ \t1 \circstate\ State == [~ ls: \power~FR; boat: \power~FR; rs: \power~FR | (\#~boat \leq 2) \land % for ls or rs, if there exists rabbits, the number % of foxes shall be less than the number of rabbits ( ( (\#~(ls \cap F) \leq \#~(ls \cap R)) \land (\#~(ls \cap R) > 0) ) \lor (\#~(ls \cap R) = 0) ) \land ( ( (\#~(rs \cap F) \leq \#~(rs \cap R)) \land (\#~(rs \cap R) > 0) ) \lor (\#~(rs \cap R) = 0) ) ~] \\ \t1 Init == [~ (State)' | ls' = FR \land rs' = \emptyset \land boat' = \emptyset ~] \\ % move two creatures frm LS to RS \t1 Move2 == [~ \Delta State; c1?: FR; c2?: FR | c1? \in ls \land c2? \in ls \land c1? \neq c2? \land boat = \emptyset \land ls' = ls \setminus \{c1?, c2?\} \land boat' = \{c1?, c2?\} \land rs'=rs ~] \\ % move one creature frm LS to RS because there is a creature on boat \t1 Move1 == [~ \Delta State; c?: FR | c? \in ls \land (\#~boat = 1) \land ls' = ls \setminus \{c?\} \land boat' = boat \cup \{c?\} \land rs'=rs ~] \\ % load one and back another \t1 LoadBack == [~ \Delta State; c?: FR | c? \in boat \land (\#~boat = 2) \land ls \neq \emptyset \land ls' = ls \land boat' = boat \setminus \{c?\} \land rs'=rs \cup \{c?\} ~] \\ % load two \t1 LoadAll == [~ \Delta State | (\#~boat = 2) \land ls = \emptyset \land boat' = \emptyset \land rs'=rs \cup boat ~] \\ \t1 AMove \circdef ( (\lcircguard boat = \emptyset \rcircguard \circguard move2?c1?c2 \then \lschexpract Move2 \rschexpract) \extchoice (\lcircguard \#~boat = 1 \rcircguard \circguard move1?c \then \lschexpract Move1 \rschexpract) \extchoice (\lcircguard ls \neq \emptyset \land \#~boat = 2 \rcircguard \circguard load?c \prefixcolon (c \in boat) \then \lschexpract LoadBack \rschexpract) \extchoice (\lcircguard ls = \emptyset \land \#~boat = 2 \rcircguard \circguard \lschexpract LoadAll \rschexpract) ) \\ \t1 AEnd \circdef (\lcircguard (ls = \emptyset \land boat = \emptyset) \rcircguard \circguard escape \then \Skip) \\ % \t1 \circspot \lschexpract Init \rschexpract \circseq ( \circmu X \circspot (((AMove) \circseq X) \extchoice AEnd)) \\ \circend \end{circus} \end{document}
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