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Monday, 2 December 2013

[Latex] Cross-Reference and automatically increasing number in table cell

The below commands define two counters: cellcounter and cellcounter1, which are used for two tables seperately.

% New Command for Cross-Reference in Table cell
\newcounter{cellcounter} % a new counter
% automatically increase the counter, print the value of counter, and label it for reference
% remember to reset before a new start
\newcommand{\cellcounterreset}{\setcounter{cellcounter}{0}} % automatically increase the counter

\newcounter{cellcounter1} % a new counter
% automatically increase the counter, print the value of counter, and label it for reference
% remember to reset before a new start
\newcommand{\cellcounter1reset}{\setcounter{cellcounter1}{0}} % automatically increase the counter
In the table cell, we can use it like this way.

       $\Omega_3$ Rule \omegalabel{omega3:rul_gen1} & \multicolumn{3}{p{5.5in}|}{In order to identify the state space, the initialisation and the operations, Z specification must have a schema named \I{Init} for initialisation and the only one schema included in \I{Init} schema defines the state space. A schema, which includes state schema and its decoration, and is not included by other schema, is treated as an operation.} \\ \cline{2-4}
In another table, we can use it like this way too.
        $\Phi$ Rule \philabel{phi:rul_abbr} & $AbbrDef==exp$ & \verb+nametype AbbrDef=+ $\Phi(exp)$ & Abbreviation Definition \\
Then, we can refer to it by

Rule~\ ref{phi:rul_abbr}
Rule~\ ref{omega3:rul_gen1}
The output will be like.

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