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Friday, 6 December 2013

Precondition and Guard in Classic B

The differences between Precondition and Guard in B machine.


Preconditioned substitution (termination)

  • PS called P pre S: PRE P THEN S END
    • The operation is only activated when P holds. Otherwise, it may result in an incorrect behaviour.
    • [PS]R(P[S]R)
    • If P doesn't hold, the operation is not guaranteed to achieve anything, say R, since P[S]R never holds whatever R. This substitution which is not able to establish anything is said to be non-terminating substitution


Guarded substitution (feasibility)

  • PS called P guards S
    • S is performed under the assumption P
    • [PS]R(P[S]R)
    • If P holds, post-condition R is established. Otherwise, if P is false, [PS] can establish anything. It's said to be non-feasible.


P doesn't hold

  • PS can not establish anything if P doesn't hold. When P doesn't hold, the substitution is said to abort. (Like the divergence in CSP)
  • PS can establish anything if P doesn't hold. When P doesn't hold, the substitution is not feasible.


  • In order to establish the post-condition, PS must prove P but PS may assume P.


  • In PS, P is assumption, which is a contract between the user of the operations and the machine providing the operations
  • In PS, P is condition for the substitution S to be feasible.
  • IF P THEN S END. For example, IF 0 < n THEN n := n - 1 END is equal to if 0 < n then n := n - 1 else n := n end

Example and Demonstration

An example


        n: NAT
        n := 0
        inc(i) = PRE
            i: NAT 
            n := n + i 

        dec0(d) = BEGIN
            n := n - d 

        dec(d) = PRE
            d: NAT & n >= d
            n := n - d 

        decp(d) = SELECT    d: NAT & n >= d THEN 
            n := n - d 

        dec1(d) = BEGIN 
            IF n >= d THEN 
                n := n - d 

        dec2(d) = BEGIN 
            SELECT n > d THEN 
                n := n - d
        WHEN n = d THEN
            n := n - d
            n := n


Demonstration with ProB

default PRE as SELECT

  • Precondition will be treated as guard
  • when n=0, call dec1(1) will cause invariant voilented.
  • when n=0, dec(1) is not enabled since the precondition doesn't hold. So long as decp(1)
  • when n=0, call dec1(1) won't change the value of n since the substitution n := n - d is not feasible since 0 >= 1 is false
  • when n=0, dec2 works like dec1

default PRE as SELECT is false

  • Precondition will be treated as precondition
  • just after initialisation, ProB state window showed
    • inc(-1) will cause Precondition i: NAT violated if we assume the MININT and MAXINT is -1 and 3 separately
    • dec(-1) will cause Precondition d: NAT & n >= d violated
    • dec(1), dec(2) and dec(3) will cause Precondition d: NAT & n >= d violated as well

Proof Obligations


  • J.-R. Abrial, The B-book: assigning programs to meanings. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Ken Robinson, An Introduction to the B Method Preconditions and Guards, 2001

Thursday, 5 December 2013

[Latex] Math mode in Verbatim or Verb in math mode

Verb in math mode

  • Include
    \usepackage{fancyvrb} % math mode in verbatim
  • SaveVerb to define verb text
    \SaveVerb{verbtext}+verb text+
  • UseVerb
    \UseVerb{verbtext} within math mode


\usepackage{fancyvrb} % math mode in verbatim
\SaveVerb{verbtext}+verb text+

Color the verbatim

Define new blockcode environment



    text to be colored

Break lines in verb

Include this new package: spverbatim

\usepackage{spverbatim} % break lines at spaces when vs. \verb

Use \spverb

\spverb+\langle \listarg \rangle+


Math in Verbatim

  • TBD

Source Code Syntax Highlight in Blogger

How to enable the source code syntax hightlighter for google blogger


  • Go to Blogger's template
  • Click "Backup/Restore" in the upright of page to backup current template at first
  • Then "Edit Template"
  • Add the following lines just before the line



int function(int i)
    return i;


int function(int i)
    return i;


Monday, 2 December 2013

[Latex] Cross-Reference and automatically increasing number in table cell

The below commands define two counters: cellcounter and cellcounter1, which are used for two tables seperately.

% New Command for Cross-Reference in Table cell
\newcounter{cellcounter} % a new counter
% automatically increase the counter, print the value of counter, and label it for reference
% remember to reset before a new start
\newcommand{\cellcounterreset}{\setcounter{cellcounter}{0}} % automatically increase the counter

\newcounter{cellcounter1} % a new counter
% automatically increase the counter, print the value of counter, and label it for reference
% remember to reset before a new start
\newcommand{\cellcounter1reset}{\setcounter{cellcounter1}{0}} % automatically increase the counter
In the table cell, we can use it like this way.

       $\Omega_3$ Rule \omegalabel{omega3:rul_gen1} & \multicolumn{3}{p{5.5in}|}{In order to identify the state space, the initialisation and the operations, Z specification must have a schema named \I{Init} for initialisation and the only one schema included in \I{Init} schema defines the state space. A schema, which includes state schema and its decoration, and is not included by other schema, is treated as an operation.} \\ \cline{2-4}
In another table, we can use it like this way too.
        $\Phi$ Rule \philabel{phi:rul_abbr} & $AbbrDef==exp$ & \verb+nametype AbbrDef=+ $\Phi(exp)$ & Abbreviation Definition \\
Then, we can refer to it by

Rule~\ ref{phi:rul_abbr}
Rule~\ ref{omega3:rul_gen1}
The output will be like.