Monday 10 August 2015

[git] move a folder from one repository to a branch of another repository and still keep commit history

Let’s say I want to move dir_to_move from src_repo to the branch br_target in dest_repo.
# clone a source repository  
git clone url/to/src_repo src_repo 
cd src_repo/
git remote remove origin

# filter the subfolder dir_to_move
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter dir_to_move -- --all
mkdir dir_to_move
mv * dir_to_move/
git add .
git status
git commit -m "move dir_to_move to another repository" -a
git status

# clone a destination repository
git clone url/to/dest_repo dest_repo
# go to destination repository
cd ../dest_repo
# add a remote repository to the source repository
git remote add remote_src_repo ../src_repo/
# switch to branch target
git checkout br_target 
# pull from remote source repository 
git pull remote_src_repo master
# remove remote repository 
git remote remove remote_src_repo

# remove temporary source repository
rm ../src_repo

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